How to Arrange for Special Pastoral Care

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We are there when you need us – but sometimes you have to tell the church of your need! If you have a pastoral care emergency, Pastor wants to be called! However, if it is not an emergency and it can wait until the next day, please send him an e-mail at or call/text him in-between his office hours of 9AM-3PM. He will attempt to get back to you as soon as possible depending on the need. If you have not heard back in 24 hours, please follow up. At Prince of Peace, we are often asked at times, “when should I contact my pastor or elder?” Here is general list of times in life you should especially give us a call, text, or email.


When death seems near


Hospital visits

Let us know where you are and when we can come see you. There are a lot of hospitals in the area as well as nursing/physical rehab centers throughout the Puget Sound! DON’T assume someone will tell us or that we will find out where you are! Usually we are the last ones to know because everyone assumes we know!

Shut-In visits

If you are homebound and need/want a visit or have not received one, PLEASE call and set up an appointment with the church! Our phone number is 253-584-2565. 

Blessing your home

We have a special order of service for this in the LCMS. If you have recently moved, call us and we will set up a time.

A little blessing comes to your home

If you are pregnant, please don’t keep us guessing. We want to remember you in our prayers and when the time comes to have your child delivered, we want to come by and visit you and your child in the hospital. We can also set up a time for a baptism too! Give us a call at 253-584-2565 or email pastor at or contact the church office at

Heaven forbid you’re moving!

Especially If you are moving out of state or to another city where we cannot serve you. This is common for us here being so close to Joint Base Fort Lewis and Fort McCord (JBLM). We will miss you, but would like to try and put you in touch with another congregation like ours to transfer your membership to. Give us some time and we will help you research another congregation that will offer you spiritual care and provide a place where both Law and Gospel are proclaimed clearly and the Sacraments administered according to God’s command. Of course if you like, you may also try looking at various churches through the LCMS church locator and see what is in the area to start.


Individual confession, absolution, and communion services.

The Lutheran Church never “got rid of” Private Absolution, just the penance that was connected with it. Therefore, your pastor is happy to provide Personal Confession and Absolution and the Lord’s Supper for you and/or your family if desired. Appropriate occasions might include: before hospitalization, before a wedding, before moving, when a family member is “leaving the nest”, when changing careers, being deployed, or etc... Call/email Pastor and arrange a time together.

Grief support

Your Pastor and elders are more than willing to offer you support during times of loss. Please call the church office and ask for the pastor or your elder to come and visit. They are not professional counselors, but they are available to share your pain with you, pray with you, and bring the promises of Christ as found in scriptures.

Special prayers

Please call or email the church office if you have a special prayer request for our Sunday worship service. If you would like to have your request placed on the prayer chain, please let us know!

People for whom the congregation prays is listed in our Sunday bulletin and newsletter. So please let us know, what your prayer request are and if you have permission to have their name in print. For those who do not wish to have their name and information printed, you may supply pastor with a note for prayers to be mentioned verbally on Sunday, but not for public print and we will make sure it is in pastor’s folder for worship on Sunday.


If at all possible, please give prayer requests in writing!